School Incursions
Thinkways offers exciting, challenging and hands-on workshops at your school in the field of human anatomy for inquisitive school children. They will explore the human body like never before which will develop anatomical knowledge and foster critical and creative thinking. Maximum fun and exploration but not for the fainthearted! Due to the nature of these workshops, they are ideal for small groups of up to 20 children of higher learning potential and who are eager to explore such a unique experience.
The workshops are run by a fully qualified, registered teacher with over 10 years experience in delivering specialised gifted and talented educational programs (with over 200 classroom dissections!) who is assisted by experts in their field.
You can choose from one of the workshops below or add multiple workshops.

Young Doctors: Respiratory System
Have you ever wondered, how do we breathe? How does the air get into our lungs? Options include:
- Respiratory system theory (lung structure and function, lung model creation, measuring lung capacity and more)
- Sheep lung dissection

Young Doctors: Emergency First Aid
How do you treat broken bones? What are the early symptoms of a snake bite? We will delve into critical first aid where Nurse Yuliya will guide us on a hands on and fun adventure where you take on the role of an Emergency Nurse.

Young Doctors: Circulatory System
How many places on your body can you measure your heart rate? What does a real heart look like, feel like... inside and out? Options include:
- Circulatory system theory (heart structure and function, measuring heart rate and more)
- Dissection (sheep heart)

Young Doctors: Digestive & Excretory System
What happens to all that food you consume daily? How can you eat upside down? Take a journey through your intestines and explore the major organs involved in digestion. Options include:
- Digestive system theory (structure and function, stomach model and more)
- Dissection (sheep kidney)

Young Doctors: Nervous System - Brain
Another one of our unique workshops which will be sure to excite the aspiring neurosurgeons out there. The brain is awesome. But how does it really work? Options include:
- Nervous system theory (brain structure and function, reflexes and more)
- dissection (sheep brain)

Young Doctors: Nervous System - Eye
Like the brain, the eye is an amazing and intricate object. Did you know the lens acts as a magnifying glass? Options include:
- Nervous system theory (eye structure and function, Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon and more)
- Dissection (cow eye)
System theory only
50 minutes
Up to 20 children
Dissection only (for those who are familiar with the system and organ being dissected)
50 minutes
Up to 20 children
Systems theory & dissection
100 minutes
Up to 20 children
Emergency First Aid
100 minutes
Up to 20 children